Tuesday, July 17, 2012

goodbye 180s!

I have completed the first week of my diet and am now 6 pounds down! woohoo!
weighing in at 179. goodbye 180s!
I did pretty good throughout the week but it was so difficult to prepare meals with my newborn in tow. I barely had time to wash an apple, let alone cook a hot meal!
By the time Sunday came around, I was due for a cheat day and regret to report indulgence in a fried ice cream from Tom's Farm. I found, however, that the guilty conscious that resulted from my Sunday cheat day motivated me to all the more strict with my diet for week two. Can't wait to report even better results!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Getting Started & Setting Goals

My weight loss journey began exactly two weeks ago when I miraculously lost about 15 pounds in one night; it was the night that I gave birth to my 8 pound, 11 ounce baby boy. Like so many new mommies, I am extremely eager to lose the pregnancy weight that I packed on during my nine months of creating a new little human. By way of accountability and encouragement, I have decided to record my struggles, accomplishments, recipes and tips involved in my weight loss journey. 

A Starting Point:
Let's be real, even with a huge protruding prego belly, no woman likes seeing the scale read 35 pounds higher than normal. I was not particularly happy with my pre-pregnancy weight, so +35 was pretty horrific. However, I am happy to announce, ALL of my pregnancy weight has disappeared! I'm not an expert or anything but I feel like I owe a big "thank you" to the to the magic of breast-feeding. Thank you for sucking the calories out of me Malachi :)

So, essentially, I'm back to square one- weighing in at 185 pounds. 
With a two-week old in tow, it is safe to say that I am still healing from labor and delivery and am certainly in a transition period into motherhood. BUT, my plan is to take baby-steps (pun intended) towards a healthier me. I plan on using the 17-day diet to keep my diet on track & my excitement to use Malachi's new stroller should push me towards regular strolls around the block. 

Setting Goals:
The title of this blog is very telling of my personal goal. I would like to reach my goal weight of 120 pounds by the time that I turn 25 years old. A grand total of 65 pounds to lose. I'm sure more goals will arise along the way, but for now, this is my main focus. 

Time to get started! I am anticipating great results based on the amount of motivation that I feel (hope I don't lose that feeling!). Wish me luck!

P.S. Starting photos to come...... 
