Monday, February 11, 2013

Emotional Eating

On Super Bowl Sunday my grandma passed away from cancer. She recently told us that she was sick and I was thankful to see her one last time before she went, especially so she could meet Malachi. I was shocked to hear that she had died when she did. I expected to be able to see her at least another time. After my initial tears, I was able to hold it together pretty well. Thoughts would hit me now and again but I was not taking it as hard as other members in my family. But then, on this past Sunday morning, it all hit me. As I was getting ready for church, I reached to put on this Avon unscented hand cream. My grandma hated smells. She had given me this lotion. I just started to cry.

The rest of the day, I went on an emotional eating binge. I was totally eating my feelings. Candy, burrito and fries, ice cream. I did not hold back. I'm fact, I felt sick by the end of the night.

I know this is not a healthy way to handle emotions. I wish I were one of those people who go on a run when they're upset. Instead, I go straight to the kitchen.

The thing that I realized is that that one day will not hurt me. I indulged and then woke up, ready to brace my healthy habits again. I'm not sure this is the best advice or example but I'm just keepin' it real. For many people their "one day" turns into everyday. Luckily I was able to move on from my binge with a 1.5 lb weight gain and that's it. Perhaps in the future, I will attempt a healthier way to control my emotions.

In memory of my grandma. A picture of her and grandpa bob at my wedding.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Preparing meals.

One of the things that I struggle with is the convenience of fast food or take out. After a long day with my puppy and my son, sometimes I don't feel like making a healthy meal no matter how easy it might be. And I definitely don't like doing dishes either. But I have to remind myself that weight loss is about choices. If the choices were easy or convenient, everyone would be fit! So this week I decided to prepare some snacks and meals in hopes of helping myself out during the week! I spent my Sunday night chopping up fresh produce and placing soups and such in containers for later consumption. We will see how it goes!

Shake it!

I have recently experienced another plateau in my weight loss (this is probably the reason for my lack of updates). I seem to be losing the same 2-3 pounds over and over again! How annoying. And, to be honest, the trips to the treadmill are not all that exciting or motivating. So, I decided to shake things up a bit...literally!

I participated in a few Zumba classes at the gym across the street from my house!

At first, I was so nervous to really get into the moves but then I took a look around. The room was full of women of all different shapes and sizes. In fact, a lot of these ladies had a lot more to jiggle around than I did. So I just let loose! I had such a fun time! It gave me energy and the relief of taking off my mommy brain for a minute to just dance!

I'm hoping this will get me moving in the right direction on the scale again!
