Friday, March 7, 2014


I have been feeling a little discouraged by the scale lately. I know people say not to worry about the scale and it's better to measure inches etc, but I worry about the scale. It makes me feel really good when the numbers go down. The first week I focused on my diet and exercise routine, I lost 8 pounds but since then I have only lost one. I can feel a difference in my body and in my running so I am encouraged by that but I definitely wish I could see a bigger drop on the scale! 

I have been jogging everyday this week and have done pretty good on my diet too (apart from things like a cake pop or breaded chicken). I even went on a 7 mile hike up Overlook (a huge uphill street) with a stroller and a couple of chubby kids! Still no weight loss. 

I asked God for a little encouragement. This morning I ran my fastest mile time yet! 9 minutes and 22 seconds. I know it's still pretty slow by some people's standards but considering I started running 3 weeks ago at a 12.5 minute mile, I'd say it's pretty good! That's an entire 3 minutes shaved off my time! I am encouraged by that progress! 

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