Tuesday, March 26, 2013

If Only My Stomach Would Look the Same Way it Does When I Lay Down!

I'm laying down poolside with yet another book to read for my MA Thesis, when I look down and notice that my abs (if you want to call them that) don't look half bad! This was due in part to my oversized sunglasses that gave me the false image of tanned skin, but also in part to the forces of gravity. You see, when laying down, gravity is on your side! Your stomach appears flat as all of your normal flabbiness makes its way to your back which is conveniently unseen (unless the surface you're laying upon has eyeballs. Anyways, in this moment looking down at my abs, I felt sort of proud. So proud, in fact, I snapped one of those ridiculous photos of myself. How disappointed I was when I returned to my apartment and my flat poolside abs were nowhere to be found as I stood standing in front of the mirror. All this to say, my new goal is to get my standing up abs looking the same as my laying down abs!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Best Fruit Dip Ever!

One of my favorite snacks is sliced apples with peanut butter. The problem is that my taste buds insist on having a wad of peanut butter for every bite of apple and so my healthy snack turns into a major caloric feast filled with fats that immediately take residence in my problem areas. I just imagine this peanut butter sticking to my insides while my body unsuccessfully tries to get rid if it, much like the ways dogs are unable to get the peanut butter off the roof of their mouths. Anyways, all this say, I've found a solution!

Take one scoop of peanut butter ( yes, you will still be ingesting peanut butter. It's called moderation people!) and then add in about 3/4 of a yoplait yogurt. I used the "Boston cream pie" flavor. Stir it together until you get a fluffy-like dip. It tastes good with apples, but also with strawberries or bananas! It is such an awesome way to satisfy your sweet tooth! So yummy! Try it!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Yummy lunch recipe!

I just ate a rather delicious lunch so I thought I'd share!

#1 grab 2 chicken breasts and dice into tiny bite size pieces then place in a bowl

#2 add lemon juice, diced cherry tomatoes, a pinch of cinnamon, a pinch of ginger, Montreal chicken seasoning and squeeze a half an orange into the bowl with the chicken

#3 add the contents of the bowl into a skillet on medium heat. Once the chicken is cooked thoroughly, add a handful of spinach to the skillet

#4 cook 1/2 cup of quinoa

#5 add the quinoa and chicken mixture in a bowl and add some feta cheese for a delicious meal!

#6 let your baby enjoy some quinoa! Malachi loves the texture!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Shopping update!

I've heard that losing weight will save you money, especially in regards to medical and grocery expenses. Lately, however, I've been feeling as though losing weight has some expenses if its own!

I am happy to announce that I have a job interview next week. The problem is that I have no business attire suitable for such a meeting! I went to buy some black business pants and cautiously chose some size 10s, some 8s and a wishful thinking size 6 pencil skirt. I tried the skirt first- perfect fit! All of the size 8s fit comfortably and I didn't even bother with the size 10s! Yay!!!

My next shopping excursion was for a swim suit. The only swim suits I owned were my maternity suit that falls off as soon as I begin walking in it and a tattered and faded black one piece that I've worn for over 3 years. It was definitely time to purchase a new tiny piece of colorful spandex to sport poolside. I was very hesitant to try on two-piece suits. Can moms even wear those? I wasn't sure if there was an unwritten rule or something. Well, if there is, I'm breaking it! I have decided to get my tummy tan, stretch marks and all. I've worked hard to lose weight and I want to wear a bikini!

My shopping excursion today was so positive. I remember a time when crying in the fitting room was a reoccurring experience. And now I sent Ernie to grab smaller sizes and found exactly what I needed!

Take a look at the bathing suit I bought (excuse the close-up of the chest on the last one) and also my outfit I wore out shopping! Feeling so good!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Cut in Half!

Awhile back, my husband allowed me to do some major shopping for new and smaller clothes. Knowing that my next shopping spree would probably not take place until I hit my goal weight, I decided to buy some pants that were a little too tight so that I was all stocked up for style along my weight loss journey. Ever so often, I try on these pants in hope of a better fit. I'm happy to report that I wore my little pair of pants to the park yesterday! Sure, I had to wear a blazer to cover up my obvious muffin top, but I was happy to button and zip them :)

When I began my weight loss journey, I wore a size 14 pants. The floral printed jeans that I was sporting yesterday are a size 7! I cut my jean size in half!!!!! I realize that I am probably unable to squeeze my butt into every size 7 on the shelf, but I am so excited to celebrate this!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Although I have spent many years of my life at an unhealthy weight, I like to think that my body is pretty well-proportioned. In fact, I have been complimented on my proportions even at my heaviest weight. Not usually by women but by boys who noticed the way those extra ten pounds gave me a booty resembling Kim K's. I managed to keep my waist relatively small but packed on pounds in my butt and thighs. Apparently men find this attractive (unless you're a indie/hipster cigarette smoking fiend who prefers the "bag of bones" type). In fact, this is what attracted my husband to me - that and the fact I was "nice", but we know that it was all about the booty!

Anyways, I give you this backstory to say that, since I've lost so much weight, my plumpness has turned to flab! I wish I could say this saggy skin is cute in the way those trendy hippie clothes hang off skinny people, but this is not the thing you want hanging from your body. I seriously feel like the guy from Austin Powers: Gold Member with all that extra skin. Okay, so I'm exaggerating. But I honestly am in need of some toning! So lately I have taken up some weight training in hopes of tightening up this body! Wish me luck! And, word of advice, add in some strength training to your workout to avoid the same dilemma!

P.S. I am in no way complaining about my weight loss. I am happy to have my flab problem as opposed to my obesity problem!
