Monday, February 24, 2014

5 Reasons to Exercise in the Early Morning

#1 No Distractions, No Diversions
 As a mother of two kids under two (yeah, I know, what was I thinking?), I understand what it is like to have your schedule go awry! All it takes is a skipped naptime, a teething toddler or a cranky baby to throw off your day and your workout time. And (even if you don’t have kids) husbands, work, or boyfriends have a way of throwing things off too! “Can you stay late today?” or “Hey babe, let’s go out to eat.” That’s all it takes skip a workout.  When I wake up at 5 in the morning to go jogging, I know there aren’t very many people or events that will steal that time away from me. It is quiet and wonderful.

#2 Energy
A morning jog has become my morning coffee. I used to always use the excuse that I would be too tired to wake up that early. I am not a morning person and do not typically enjoy being awake before 8am so the thought of waking up 3 hours outside of my comfort zone sounded horrible! BUT, I found that exercising at the beginning of the day gives me energy! Instead of making breakfast like a zombie, I feel ready to start my day with the kids! I have already gone through my “waking up” phase and can happily take care of my family by the time I get home from my run.

#3 Feeling Accomplished
Have you ever had one of those days where you feel like you weren’t able to mark anything off of your to-do list? You may have woken up with good intentions to finish tons of things and run lots of errands, but for one reason or another nothing got done. I have had days like these. But when I wake up in the morning to jog, I feel accomplished at the start of my day. So, if nothing else gets done, at least I can feel good that I exercised and am taking care of my body. Having that accomplished feeling in the morning, relieves stress and motivates you to tackle more things on your to-do list. It sets the tone for the day.

#4 Supporting Your Hubby
I know this one does not apply to everyone but it’s one of my favorite reasons. I love being awake before my husband gets up. I can make him breakfast, pack him lunch, pray for him and enjoy some conversation before he leaves. It is good for our marriage and a good way to show support. Before I started running in the morning, I would be cranky and irritated to be woken up, as he got ready for work. Now I can be the one who wakes him with a kiss and sends him to work with a hug.

#5 The Sunrise
There is something refreshing about seeing the sunrise. It is so beautiful and we so often take it for granted. If you are awake and exercising before the sun comes up, you have the privilege of seeing it rise in the sky. It is a much better way to wake than to have the sun glaring into your eyes through the window. So, WAKE UP and enjoy!

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