Friday, February 21, 2014

Breakfast Smoothies

I love working out and getting exercise but I often fall short when it comes to "dieting". I have a hard time eating veggies and could probably live off of bread and pastries. One of the ways that I up my vegetable intake is by disguising the taste of leafy greens in smoothies! They are super filling and give me a great opportunity to load up with nutrients first thing in the morning. I have been experimenting with smoothie concoctions all week but here is my favorite one (plus a formula as a smoothie making rule if thumb)! 

Raspberry Banana Smoothie 

One banana (or half if you are worried about high calories)

A small handful of spinach

3 to 4 scoops of low fat organic vanilla yogurt (I get mine from Trader Joe's)

1 cup of all natural frozen raspberries 

Add Vanilla or Chocolate Almond Milk (the less you add, the thicker the smoothie- so add to your liking)


Here is the general formula I use when I make my smoothies: 

A banana (the mushiness of a bananas always adds great texture so I put at least half of one in all my smoothies)


A dark leafy green ( such as spinach or kale) 

Yogurt (there are so many different kinds! Find your favorite!)


Frozen fruit (berries, peaches etc)


Milk (chocolate almond, coconut, low fat etc) 

A delicious and nutritious smoothie! 

1 comment:

  1. Im starting a new job this week which will involve a big commute so have been trying to think of healthy breakfasts to take on the train. I think I need a smoothie maker!!!

