Monday, February 17, 2014


So this Monday morning is filled with a little more anxiety than most. My husband is going back to school tonight and resuming a very difficult work/school schedule. I say goodbye to him by 7 in the morning, see him for about an hour in the late afternoon before he heads off to school and then see him when he sleepily crawls into bed at 1:30am. This will get repeated until the weekend, and let me tell you, it is a real sacrifice for everyone involved. I am left without the relief of his helping hands at the end of the day, the kids miss their dad, and Ernie just about kills himself with minimal sleep. 

So this morning, I woke up for my morning run and prayed for my family with my mom. When I got back, Ernie was laying next to Mila, feeding her some milk that I pumped last night. It put a huge smile on my face. He did not complain about losing even more sleep. He was just supporting me in my weight loss goals. It was so cute. It is the kind of thing that brightens your day, even at 6 in the morning! 

So here's to my man crush Monday! I hope I can be supportive of your goals just as you are supportive of mine! 

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