Saturday, January 12, 2013

17 days: accelerate!

I have definitely hit a wall in my weight loss. It has been a week with no signs of improvement! I was trying to reach my goal without sticking to any particular diet but after hitting this plateau... 17 day diet, here I come! I was loosely following this diet before I got pregnant and shortly after Malachi was born. Each time I used the guidelines, I was successful. Why did I ever stop? Duh Rachel! After re-reading the text, I saw that you can lose 10-12 pounds in the first 17 days! Sounds good to me!

The thing that I love about this diet is that you are allowed servings of fruit! It is balanced and easy to follow. If you are interested in this diet or want to learn more about it, check out this website:

I will keep everyone posted on my progress! Fingers crossed! Time to get through this plateau!

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