Tuesday, January 8, 2013

concerning jessica alba's abs.

Last week, my sister came over to my apartment to visit malachi. In the midst of discussion, she asked me if i plan on letting Malachi drink soda. Ernie and I have recently cut out most of the soda from our diets so I said that I don't want it to be a habit and I plan on keeping it from him as long as possible. she replies that I can do what jessica alba does with her kids- give them juice with sparkling water and call it soda!

The other day we were all gathered around my parent's dining room table eating a carb-a-licious meal with diet pepsi cans all around (a definite cheat meal on my part). i had mentioned the conversation i had with emily about jessica alba's soda solution for kids. my dad, who keeps up with daily celebrity gossip on yahoo news, chimes in with how AMAZING Jessica Alba looks in a bikini even after having kids. I quickly try to end the conversation there as Jessica Alba is Ernie's all-time celebrity crush and I didn't really want him to have a reason to look up pictures of her in her skimpy post-partum bikini. My efforts failed and this conversation about Jessica Alba went on for quite some time. My dad made a comment about how you could "bounce a quarter off those abs". To which my mom and I banter back that a quarter could bounce off of our abs too, it would just look more like something bouncing off "the blob" at fat camp.

The next day, my "jealous girlfriend" persona came out and decided to look at the pictures for myself. She really did look amazing! In her interview she attributes her physical success to eating organic, drinking lots of water and completely cutting out high-sugar, processed foods.

Later that night, I find myself thinking about her comment. "Of course! Your personal trainer, chef and upcoming role as a stripper (classy) have nothing to do with your amazing body. Let's just all buy eight dollar apples that become rotten the moment they make it to the refrigerator- THAT's the secret!" I was obviously still thinking with my "jealous girlfriend" thinking cap. After my sarcastic rant I had a second thought: I'm sure that having a seemingly unlimited bank account aids in wonderful fitness tools but when it comes down to it- motivation is motivation. Who's to say that I wouldn't be one of the yo-yo dieters of Hollywood? Maybe I would be in the Oprah, Janet Jackson, Kirstie Alley crew. Whether we like it or not, these people ARE motivated! They take their jobs seriously. In fact, we should be grateful that such people find themselves in Hollywood instead of infiltrating our work fields and showing all of us up with their drive to success and money.

The point that I concluded with is that having a nice body has to be taken seriously, choices have to be made, your lifestyle has to change. thanks for the motivation Jess! ;)

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