Saturday, January 19, 2013

fitness convo with a friend.

One of my friends recently wrote me on facebook.
 I am hoping that the advice I gave her will help someone else too!
Here is our conversation:

RACHEL!  Hello, beautiful! Long time no talk!
I know this is super random, but I have a question for you.
First off, I've been following your "road to 120" blog/lifestyle. Seriously, you have always been beautiful, but it's been honestly amazing to see the transformation that's taken place over these past months. Not only can I physically see that you shed pounds, but even your smile is more radiant. It's like I can see how happy this transformation has made you - on the inside and the outside!
Anyways, with that being said, I have a question. I feel like such a dork for asking this, but I'm doing it anyways.
The truth is, I've gained a good amount of weight since I came up to college. Sure, it's distributed really well, and I'm pro at hiding it for the most part, but still, I'm tired of HAVING to hide it. Not only that, but I want to be fit. It's not about losing the weight so much as it is about being healthy and feeling good about myself.
Last year at the beginning of the year I lost about 10 pounds because I was working out with a friend. Then I got in a car accident, got busy with school & graduating, and let it all go by the waste side. Now it's a new year (I've gained that extra 10 back .. and more!) and I really want to get back on the bandwagon. (ironically my goal weight is 120 as well!)
Ok, enough with story time. My real question is more so just asking for advice. What works? What doesn't? How have you kept yourself motivated and how do you make time to work out? I know you're incredibly busy so how does it fit in your schedule? Also, what about meals? I have an apartment so I cook for myself (ok, not much of a cook, I more boil pasta and microwave unhealthy stuff....) so I have the freedom to eat whatever I'd like ... however I'm on a tight tight budget so I need to keep it cheap if possible. What are some suggestions that you have?
Sorry, I know this is super random, but I thought you could give me some good tips. My roommates and friends tell me I'm fine, but it's more of a personal thing than anything else. Like I want to feel good about myself and my body. I'm sure that's something you can relate to and that's why I wanted to ask for our advice 
Thanks for even reading this rambling mess. Hahha. Hope you're doing well. You're family is beautiful and I'm so happy for you!  
Thanks again

Here is my reply:

  • Oh my gosh, this message makes me so happy  I am so glad that you have been reading my blog. This whole blogging thing has been an amazing experience! I've never realized how great social support can be.
    I totally understand how much weight can determine our moods and attitudes. You totally don't have to explain! Sometimes you just need to feel good about yourself!
    To be honest, a lot of my motivation comes from my family. When you're married, theres someone else that can see your body without the benefits of slimming clothes. And when you have a baby, you get this overwhelming feeling of setting a good example for your little one. BUT....ultimately I really felt that I needed to prove to myself that I can reach my goal. Simply put, I just wanted to feel good about myself! The hardest part is getting started but once you start to see results, you get addicted to seeing progress!
    1. Find accountability. This is one of the main reasons I started my blog. I wanted encouragement and to hold myself accountable to people reading my story. Some people can just journal or use food logs etc, but just find what works for you!
    2. Keep the diet as steady as possible that way a few skipped trips to the gym won't kill you! I've been trying to follow the 17 day diet as close as possible (although that doesn't always happen). It is not as restricting as other diets I've tried and has given me great results! If you want to try it, I can give you the guidelines 
    3. I actually find a lot of motivation from the scale. I'm sort of obsessed with it. I like seeing the numbers go down and it drills it into my head that I don't want to un-do my hard work!
    4. I am super busy with the baby! and it is really hard to work out but I try and make short trips to the gym in our apartment complex. Just 30 minutes on the treadmill makes a big difference and, like I said, if your diet is on point then don't beat yourself up if you're exhausted and stay in for the night!
    5. I totally get the cooking budget deal! Try to buy meat in bulk because it's the most expensive (find someone with a costco card that you can pay back for a ton of chicken lol) and if you're eating a lot of produce and cut out fast food then it really isn't so bad!
    I hope all of this helps! If you need more info or have more questions just write me! 

    Hope that this will help everyone. Thank you for you love and encouragement friends!

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