Wednesday, January 2, 2013

surprise, surprise

So it turns out that I am joining the rest of America with a resolution to lose weight for the New Year!

Although I have not been faithful in documenting my weight loss journey for the end of 2012, I have made some progress! I now weigh 165 and have successfully said goodbye to the 170s! So I'm on my way!

My plan for the new year is to lose weight but also to write about my journey and to share any type of success I might and whatnot.

I wish I could begin the new year with a helpful hint for weight loss success. here is my alternative experience:

This morning I was up before the sun at 4:45am. I was beyond proud of myself. I took the puppy outside to go poddy. I had my florescent nike running shoes on and was about to head out the door to the gym. I grabbed the keys to lock my baby and hubby safely inside the apartment. Of course, all of our keys look exactly the same (especially at 5am). Turns out, I grabbed the wrong set of keys. One step over the threshold and I hear a whining from the bedroom. Surprise, surprise Malachi was awake and wanted a little snack.
So much for a trip to the gym!

I climbed into bed and Ernie says, "guess we'll keep your workout time in the evening."

1 comment:

  1. so glad you got a blog and i am so proud of you working so hard! hopefully going to use you as my inspiration to get off the couch!

